
Hello, welcome to the home of Sleep Whispers

I created this whispered podcast in March of 2016 to help you with relaxation and falling asleep because I also often have trouble quieting my own mind at night.  The squirrels in my brain just won’t stop running around and it keeps me awake.

What works best for me is to listen to something slightly interesting and softly spoken or whispered, this distracts and lulls my restless brain squirrel right to sleep.   ZZZzzzzz…

What type of whispered episodes will you hear?

  • Story Time episodes (curious bedtime stories)
  • Trivia Time episodes (fun facts to distract you)
  • Whisperpedia episodes (learn while you fall asleep)
  • Fade Out episodes (will bore you right to sleep)
  • Acorn episodes (my favorite shows, tips, quotes, & more)

I hope you enjoy it, Harris
(Harris is my middle name, you can learn more about me by reading this Podcaster Interview, or by listening to episode #132 Who is Harris?)

To listen to the latest episodes right now, just search for Sleep Whispers in your podcast player, or tap on your preferred device below:

Special moments for the Sleep Whispers podcast:

  • Reached #25 in Apple’s Top Podcasts in Health (screenshot below)
  • Featured in Apple’s New and Noteworthy podcasts for Alternative Health, Fitness & Nutrition, and Spirituality (screenshots below)
  • Featured in Google Podcasts as “Top Podcast” in Health (screenshot below)
  • Mentioned on NPR’s “Ask Me Another” podcast (screenshot below)

Sources that recommend the Sleep Whispers podcast:
(includes The Boston Globe, CNET, AARP, Mashable, Daily Mail, The Sun, and more)

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for this wonderfully relaxing end to very stressful days as of late. Everything about the podcast is enjoyable. Please continue!

  2. what a great find. Congrats to myself for typing ‘sleep whispers’ into google, as I was hoping to find some fresh new asmr. man I’m smart.

    keep up the great work Harris! and thank you.

  3. Pingback: Is ASMR whispering bad for your throat or vocal cords? | ASMR University

  4. Thank you, Harris, for the bonus Big Batch of Frank Baum stories!! I can’t wait for my anxious squirrels to settle down to extended storytime this evening. I hope you are staying healthy and safe.
    Warm Regards,
    Paula, the Herder of Squirrels

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