041 Menu: Fade Out with browsing a baking catalog

Episode topics: 

  • Quote (2m:54s): “Grown-ups are like big children…”
  • Chat (11m:47s): podcast updates, stats, feedback from Patty, Jaa, Samara, Kate
  • Fade out (45m:31s): Browsing a baking catalog

Podcast Resources:

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One thought on “041 Menu: Fade Out with browsing a baking catalog

  1. Yay, ok.

    New episode type… I still have no real clue about what ASMR is but I’m still in research mode on that. I don’t really like hearing people eat, but that’s when it’s annoying… However, since I love you so much I’ll listen to your feast of whispers and see. (=

    I also agree with Patty about sound quality. Since I found you, I have binge listened to all of your episodes, while I’m wake, so I’ve noticed. If I lay down and listen… Lights out in about 2 minutes. When you giggle though… I wake up and laugh too sometimes. Lolz!

    Samara is absolutely right. It’s much more loveable when it occurs naturally. You’re blush was cute. (a.~)

    Going to Tuck In now…
    Gratitude Harris
    Agent Jaa~

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